Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Sources discussing paying for Torah education

I am looking for sources that discuss the idea of paying tuition money ("schar limud") towards obtaining a Torah education. Topics of interest include: The importance of paying tuition for Torah; importance of timely paying; assurances/promises that paying such money will not be harmful financially etc. Sources from any area in Torah (Chazal, Rishonim, Achronim, Mussar, Chassidus) are welcome.


The last question first, the Gemara in Beitza 16a says that the more one spends for Shabbos & Yom Tov and for expenses of Talmud Torah for his children the more he receives [from Heaven].

I would suggest to learn the first chapter of Hilchos Talmud Torah in Shulchan Aruch Horav, from Halacha 2-9 he elaborates on the obligation of the father, grandfather, and Bais Din to pay for learning Torah and when we force the father to pay etc., with excellent Mar'ei Mekomos.

He doesn't talk about timely payments, but it would be the same as any hired worker which has the positive commandment "Pay him his payment in his/its day" and the negative commandment of "Don't delay the wages of the worker".

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