Sunday, September 22, 2019

purim torah in jest - Who is this Lamar?

I recently wished the Bam community a happy Rosh Chodesh, and Isaac responded (or at least attempted to respond - he seemed to have begun his Purim festivities early) with:

וכן למר

Also Lamar!

I get this a lot. For some reason, this Lamar fellow seems to deserve a lot of praise. When I give someone a blessing, I'm always told "also Lamar!" - he seems to need a lot of blessings.

So who is this Lamar, and why does he need so many blessings and good wishes?


We see from Numbers 5:24 that there are multiple Lamars. In fact, many are created every time a sotah drinks the sotah water.

ובאו בה המים המאררים למרים

And the curse-causing waters shall enter her, [and become] Lamars.

We know that Lamars are cursed with long life, as it says in Job 3:20.

למה יתן לעמל אור וחיים למרי נפש

Why does He give light to the one in misery, and life to a Lamar soul [poetic inversion].

Since a Lamar, who must be a sad fellow (from the circumstances of his creation), lives a long life, we must take any opportunity to wish the best to a Lamar.

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