Tuesday, September 24, 2019

animals - Why are there no fish korbanot?

Land animals, birds, wheat and fruit offerings all feature on the list of offerings that Bnei Israel bring for Hashem.

Is there anyone that discusses why there are no fish korbanot?


The Midrash Tanchuma (Vayikra 1:8) asks your question:

ולמה קריבין קרבן מן העוף ומן הכבשים ומן הצאן ומן העזים ולא מן הדגים, שנאמר, [ו] אם מן העוף עולה קרבנו, אלא בשביל שהם בשר ודם כמו האדם ויוצאין מבטן אמן כמו האדם, מכפרים על האדם. אבל הדגים, ביצים הם ויוצאין מהן וחיין.

And why do we offer up sacrifices from birds, sheep and goats but not from fish?

Because they (animals and birds) resemble man as they are born from the stomach of their mother like man. Thus, they atone for man. Fish, however, are eggs, that they emerge from and live.

I do have a pshat as to what this means (obviously birds come from eggs, too), but I'll have to add this in later..

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