Tuesday, September 24, 2019

parsha torah portion - Splitting the Makot

The splitting of the Parshiot usually make, at least, some sense. However, in the next two Parshiot the plagues are split up (7 in the first, 3 in the second). Are there sources on why this may be? Is it teaching us something or was it done simply for time and length of parshas sake (I can't imagine this is the case, but maybe).


Abarbanel discusses this and gives two reasons why the parshiyos were split this way (which, incidentally, are the reasons @LarryK and @GershonGold have offered).

  1. The plague of arbeh was chosen to begin Parshas Bo with because it begins the makkos for which Pharaoh began to fear the plagues and negotiate with Moshe before the plague started.

  2. All the last three makkos took place in the dark. The locusts "darkened the land of Egypt" with their sheer mass. Choshech, clearly. Bechoros was at exactly midnight (although it would have been full moon, so it probably wasn't completely dark).

[Also, it makes the mnemonic work. First two letters of each parsha, Va'era and Bo add up in gematria to how many plagues are within.]

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