Saturday, September 21, 2019

halacha - Can I lend out a Library Book?

I just borrowed a wonderful book from the local library (let's assume Jewish library - but does it matter?). My friend sees the book and wants to read it. My library lets me keep the book for a week, so I figure "why not?"

  • Can I lend the book to my friend? Or is this a case of אין השואל רשאי להשאיל ("a borrower is not permitted to lend (that which he has borrowed)", Bab. Gittin 29a; )?

  • Would it matter if my friend happens to have membership at this very library?

  • Is there an עבירה (sin) being committed by going ahead and lending it anyways (assuming the answers above are no)? Or am I just responsible if something goes wrong with the book?

  • Would it matter if the library puts up a sign that explicitly disallows lending?

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