Thursday, September 26, 2019

halacha - May my wife wear my jacket to keep warm?

The Sefer HaChinuch #564 writes that it’s forbidden for a woman to wear men’s clothing.

  1. If it’s cold outside, is a woman allowed to wear a man’s coat to keep warm?

  2. If #1 is a problem, are any distinctions made that would allow a woman to wear her husband’s coat while her husband is with her?


From Rav Aviner's tshuvot (text)

Wearing Wife's Jacket in the Cold

Q: Is it permissible for a husband to wear his wife's jacket if he is cold, or is it forbidden on account of "Lo Yilbash" (the prohibition of cross-dressing)? And what about visa-versa?

A: It is permissible, since the purpose is not to wear it but simply to warm up (Shut Yabia Omer 6:14).

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