Wednesday, September 18, 2019

chabad - Is the Baal Hatanya being too harsh with his definition of Rasha?

Is it just his opinion? Cause it is kinda depressing.

From "Lessons in Tanya":

As true definitive terms, tzaddik and rasha describe the quality of the good or evil in one’s soul. Viewed in this perspective the person described above is classified as a rasha even after he repents and is pardoned, for he still retains his predisposition toward sin, and his animal soul still tends to dominate him.

This catagorization puts many fellow Jews I know in the Rasha catagory. And the fact that any mitzvah you do goes to Kelipah... So doing mitzvos will not hasten the redemption.

And Why does Chabad do mitzvos with non-religious people? (Rishoi'm?) These mitzvos are just strengthening Kelipah!

On the contrary, through their observance of the Torah and its mitzvos, they are temporarily adding power to the kelipos, as the Alter Rebbe rules in Hilchos Talmud Torah 4:3. See also Iggeres HaTeshuvah, ch. 6, and Kuntres U'Mayon, maamar 7.


It sounds to me that the reason you are getting upset about putting most Jews into the catagoty of "rasha" is that you associate that term with evil people (pick your favorite, hitler, stalin..,).

What the alter rebbe is doing is redefining the word rasha. So that instead of talking about actions it talks about a persons inner state. (See first perek of Tanya right in the beginning)

The Tanya isn't saying that people who are called a rasha are vile, that's a association we make. To give a terrible allegory. The words meat and meet sound exactly the same but have different meanings. That is how the word rasha should be treated. The Tanya uses the same word we use to mean truly evil people, but means something totally different.

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