Sunday, June 30, 2019

talmud gemara - Did Rabbi Akiva Go To Africa?

The Gemara in Rosh Hashana 26a says:

ואמר רבי עקיבא כשהלכתי לאפריקי...

Rabbi Akiva said: when I went to Afriki

Is this referring to the continent of Africa?

Was Africa in this time period known by that name?

Are there any other Gemaras which talk about a trip to Africa that the Tanaim went on?


Yes! we definitely find this name in other Rabbinic literature. See Sanhedrin 94a. Yerushalmi Sheviis chapter 6.

Yitzchak Meitlis in the appendix to his book Excavating the Bible writes that this refers to Africa as the same story is found in the works of Procopius (Byzantine historian) where it is related that the Canaanites were afraid of Joshua Bin Nun (Girgashites according to Yerushalmi) and settled in Libya.

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