Sunday, June 30, 2019

minhag - Tu B'Shvat Seder: At night or day?

The Pri Etz Hadar, as incorporated in the Chemdas Yamim, tells us of the idea of making a Tu B'Shvat Seder. It seems that most people (such as here, here and here) assume the Seder is meant to take place at night. I conjecture that they take the parallel to the Pesach Seder as an indication of the time of day. However, the Chemdas Yamim does not say clearly when the Seder is indeed meant to occur. In fact, in a number of places (such as here in the first paragraph) he uses the term בעצם היום הזה, which I would take to mean that the Seder should be had at noontime or at least during the day, as that phrase usually means.

Does anyone know of a clear source text that states when the Seder should take place?

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