Friday, May 17, 2019

set phrases - What to say after someone dies

What is the proper response when someone tells you, for example, that their mother has died? Relatedly, what should you do to express your sympathy? Do you send a card? flowers? bake a casserole?


There is a common phrase for that.

ご愁傷さまです - go shuushou sama desu

For example

お母上が亡くなられご愁傷さまです  I'm very sorry about your mother's death

Regarding sending something, there is a special custom in Japan called [香典]{こうでん} - giving money to remaining family members with the purpose of offering it to the departed soul. (Originally, this was used as an alternative of [香華]{こうか} - incense and flowers)

In my experience, I have seen this two times: one for a colleague's mother, and one for someone from another department. In both cases, another colleague started to collect money and put it in an envelope to give to them.

And there is another custom, [香典返し]{こうでんがえし}, which refers to getting back some present/food from them.

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