Thursday, May 16, 2019

rabbis - Who is HaRam in Tosafos

I've seen הר"ם quoted in Tosafos in a few places. One example is Kiddushin 50a, Tosfos ד"ה היה לו. I always assumed it was Rabbeinu Meir, the son in law of Rashi, who's sons are the famous trio of Rabbeinu Tam, Rashba"m and Riva"m (M in the last two standing for Meir).

Recently someone told me that it's not crazy for Tosafos to quote the Rambam, and showed me an example in Zevachim.

Now, I saw in Kiddushin 47a that the Tosafos Ri HaZaken quoted הר"ם and is clearly referring to Rambam. Is this the same for regular Tosafos?

Related question is I saw Tosafos in Kiddushin 75a ד"ה כותי quote הר"מ, not using a final Mem. Is this the same person?

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