Friday, May 17, 2019

history - Moshe Rabeinu's Yarzheit

It is common knowledge that Moshe Rabeinu was Niftar on 7 Adar. Was it a plain year with 1 Adar or a leap year with 2 Adars? If it was a leap year on what Adar was he Niftar?


Rabbi Acha ben Chanina says that on 6 Sivan was the day Moshe was put in a basket into the water. The Malachim said to Hashem "The one that is going to receive the Torah on Har Sinai on this day should get smitten by the water on this day?" 6 Sivan was 3 months after Moshe was born. Based on the above you have to say that he was born in either a plain Adar or on Adar Beis. Thus it would follow that he passed away either on a plain Adar or on Adar Sheni - as Hakodosh Boruch Hu Memalei Shenoison Shel Tzadikim.

However the Sefer HaTodaa mentions in the name of the Yalkot Yehoshua that Moshe passed away on 7 Adar Rishon.

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