Wednesday, May 1, 2019

halacha - How do we determine whether a dish is clean?

There are situations in which the question arises in halacha (specifically, the laws of kashrus) whether a piece of flatware or a dish is clean — by which I mean whether it lacks any remnant of food or the like.

(Such a situation might be as follows. One can (citation needed, and CYLOR) use a cold, clean, non-kosher cup for a cold drink. But he cannot (c.n., a.C.) use a cold cup that contains non-kosher food remnants (because אין מבטלין אסור לכתחלה).)

My question is how one determines whether there are any remnants in the dish or on the cutlery. For example, is it sufficient to glance at the dish? Does one need to look at each square inch of it carefully? Perhaps run a fingernail along it to feel for adhesions? Or what?

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