Monday, May 13, 2019

Could someone please check my translation of these lyrics?

Recently I've been studying Japanese and although I still have a lot to learn; I decided to try and translate some lyrics, to help myself improve and learn more than what's taught in books. If anyone could check my translation of the song, it'd be much appreciated!

Here are the lyrics:

どこか遠くへ行きたい 電波もないどこかへ
ごらん満天の夜光 僕が指差す場所
Going towards somewhere far away Somewhere where there aren’t even radio waves

Watching the who sky’s night lights, I point at the location

揺れる夏草の合唱 とても心地いいな
The sparkler tells us the transience of time coming to an end
The swaying summer grass’ chorus feels very good

伝えたい事があるよ ほんの一言さ
Now, Returning to your street, I wait
Just a word of the things I want to tell you

Sha la la 蛍の光よ夜空に舞え

Shalala The firefly’s light dances in the night sky
Even if there's only a slight illumination, your light continues

“This moment of eternity” Your palm rolls into a circle
I want to see the moon as if the tender hearted is painful

Sha la la 蛍の光よ届けてくれ
Shalala Please deliver the fireflies’ light to me

Because although we're separated, the thought of you continues even if you’re far away

愛された事さえも 愛した事でさえも
Hey, I wonder if the past is completely forgotten
Even the things I loved, even the things I love

Sha la la 蛍の光よ夜空に舞え
Shalala The firefly’s light dances in the night sky
Even if there's only a slight illumination, your light continues

Sha la la 逢いたくても逢えぬ夏の恋

Shalala, I can't meet you but I want to meet you even if it's a summer love
Even if we happen to meet by chance again, the feelings from those days remain.

Gone with the season.

Please excuse any extreme mistakes I've made. As mentioned above, any help at all (even a little) is greatly appreciated!

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