Sunday, April 7, 2019

purim torah in jest - PTIJ: What are my options if a server rejects a POST or PUT request?

I'm aware that if a server rejects a GET request, such as in the case of a 414 error for the URI being too long, I can force it to fulfill the GET request by having the server beaten, as the Talmud in Yevamos 106a states:

גט מעושה כשר ... הא כיצד טכופין אותו עד שיאמר רוצה אני

a forced GET is valid ... How so? We beat it until it says "I'm willing!"

However, I'm not aware of any such halacha regarding a POST or PUT request. What halachic recourse do I have when a server rejects a POST or PUT request?


For Puts you have:

פת במלח תאכל

If you Salt your Put then it will be consumed.

Posts are complicated, that is why the Yiddish expression is:

פאסט נישט

Don't Post.

That is because Put is idempotent, Post is not. G-d is idempotent, as the Rambam says:

ואינו משתנה, שאין לו דבר שיגרום לו שינוי

And it is a Mitzvah to follow G-d's attributes.

Mi Yodeya gets around this problem by only allowing questions, answers and comments, not posts. The legacy of stackexchange sometimes leaves the word post, but it is actually not possible to post like on a message board. Posts will be closed.

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