Monday, January 20, 2020

purim torah in jest - Seeking texts of all prayers associated with the clock change

In previous years, we've discussed the basic commandment status of changing clocks around this time of year as well as the proper language for announcing the change. Given that it's a commandment and that it is invariably announced in the synagogue, I assume that there must be associated blessings and liturgy. Has anyone come across any of the following, in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Judaeo-Arabic, vel sim.?

  • Prayer to be said in the synagogue on or at the end of the preceding Shabbat, along with the announcement.

  • Additions to the prayers on the preceding Shabbat.

  • Blessing to be recited before changing one's clocks.

  • Meditation for those who are awake to observe the clock change.

  • Haftara for the morning after.

  • Any other associated prayers.

I realize it's too late for this season in the US, but it's not too late for Israel, and it could be useful to have these texts available for next year.


Due to the danger involved in changing the clock forward in the Spring, there is a special Mi Sheberach that we say after reading the Torah the Shabbos before:

מי שברך אבותינו אברהם יצחק ויעקב הוא יברך את אלו שיאבדו שעה משנתם והמצא להם מנוחה נכונה על מטתם. מלכא דעלמא יתן ארכא לשניהון ובאור צדיקים נשמח. כי עמך מקור חיים ובאורך נראה אור ונזכה לראות אור הגנוז להצלת אור היום בשנה הבאה בציון ערך אמן

He Who blessed our forefathers... should bless those who will be losing an hour of sleep, and find proper rest for them on their beds. The King of the world should lengthen their sleep and let us rejoice in the light of the righteous. For You are the source of life and in Your light light is seen, and we should merit to see the light which has been hidden away for next year's Daylight Savings, in Your city Jerusalem, Amen

Additionally, Tefillas HaDerech should be said for most of the week on which the clock was changed.

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