Friday, January 24, 2020

sources mekorot - What does it mean to have faith in our wise sages?

What does it mean to have faith in our wise sages (אמונת חכמים)?


Rashi on Deut. 17:11 "Even if they tell you your right hand is your left..."

i.e. it makes no sense to you, nevertheless trust them and do what they say. see here for more.

likewise in the Chovos Halevavos Gate 5 ch.5

Be careful that your steps not stray from the path of the forefathers and the path of the early ones towards a new path you have devised, and be careful to not rely on your intellect nor to take counsel only with yourself. Do not reason on your own. Do not distrust your forefathers in the tradition they bequeathed to you as to what is good for you. Do not reject their advice in what they taught you

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