Tuesday, January 28, 2020

talmud gemara - How could the Temple have become tamei?

At Yoma 41a, there is a discussion regarding the appropriate offering for someone who causes the Temple to become Tamei (ritually impure)? But what are we talking about becoming tamei? The utinsels the metzora touched I can understand they would become tamei? But can a metzorah (or other tamei person) convey tumah to the stone floors or walls of the Temple or to any utensils he doesn't touch? How? If he can, what needs to be purified, and what is the method? Also, since the Holy-of-Holies and the altar are not under cover, could tumas mes (ritual impurity from a dead body) cause those areas to become tamei (if, for example, the Kohen Gadol dies while performing the avodah?


The phrase מטמא מקדש there does not mean one who causes the Temple to become impure, it means one who enters the temple in a state of impurity - see Rashi.

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