Monday, January 27, 2020

halacha - Is it permitted to have a boy under barmitzvah age sing Anim Zemiros?

Is it permitted to have a boy under barmitzvah age sing the Shir Hakavod (or Anim Zemiros)? Why is it not like any other part of davenning where we use someone over barmitzvah?


According to the Rambam (Hilchot Tefilla chap. 9), only the following sections of davening (prayer services) require a Chazzan [over Bar Mitzvah]:

  • Kaddish

  • Birchot Kriat Shema

  • Shemona Esrei, Chazart haShatz, and Kedusha

  • Tachanun, Ashrei and Uva L'Tzion

In addition, if a part of davening doesn't require a minyan, it would make sense that a minor could lead it. Pseukei D'zimra and Anim Zemirot don't require a minyan, so it follows that a child could be chazzan.

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