Friday, January 31, 2020

May the prayer leader drink water (to lubricate his voice) during the weekday prayers?

I have seen the person leading the prayers taking a drink of water (to lubricate his voice) during the weekday prayers.

Assuming he made a blessing (for the water, as usual before eating or drinking anything) before he started the prayers, is there any problem with doing this?

IMHO there seems to be a certain lack of respect to drink while addressing the Creator.

Are there any parts of the prayers where it is forbidden?


R. Yitzchak Abadi has told me that it's no problem, at any point in the prayers.

There is also no need to make a shehakol if one is drinking the water for the sole purpose of lubricating one's throat. Shehakol is only recited on water when the drinking serves the purpose of quenching one's thirst (see Shulchan Aruch OC 204:7).

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