Sunday, April 7, 2019

halacha - Fast days and time zones

If I fly westward on a fast day, and travel through one/several time zone/s, thereby going back in (clock) time, must I then fast until it ends in my current time zone? What if I fly eastward, thereby "skipping" several hours?

Essentially the question is, do I end my fast after a certain period of time, or at a certain time of day?

(Bonus: If I end the fast according to where I currently am (in the west), may I eat in public, even though others around me are still fasting? (I strongly suspect that the answer to this is no.))


You end your fast when it becomes dark, independent of how long you have been already fasting.

Source: Igrot Moshe OC 3:96

See also Shevet HaLevi 8:261:2 who argues and says to stop based on you original location's times. It's not clear if he would hold this lechumra as well.

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