Saturday, January 11, 2020

prayer book - Is highlighting text and writing in the siddur OK?

I want to highlight parts of the prayers where the congregation responds and where the chazzan speaks so I can better follow the service, as well as write in some notes about the prayer order, etc. Can I write in the siddur or will my rabbi have a meltdown? =)


While I've never done this myself, I don't see any issue with it, provided that you highlight and underline respectfully.

In fact, the practice comes highly recommended by the Rebbetzin's Husband, and has also been discussed elsewhere on this site.

From that blog post:

It's a way to corral ourselves during our distracted moments, and draw ourselves back.
It's a way to personalize our davening, by highlighting elements that matter to us.
It's a way to remember the items that catch our eye or ear and inspire us once, for the next time we daven.

So it seems that it's not just something that you may do, but rather a recommended practice. I wish you much success in focusing on your prayers!

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