Thursday, January 2, 2020

halacha - Should a woman wear a gartel?

My understanding of the halachic need for a gartel is very limited; is there any reason a woman should or should not wear one during prayer?


Assuming the reason for wearing a gartel is to prevent even accidentally one's heart from seeing one's private parts (which anyway must be covered to pray) as outlined in Alex's answer to the linked question, then it would seem there is no need for a woman to wear a gartel, as the Shulchan Aruch rules in OC 74:4 that due to their anatomical layout, women can never have the issue of her heart seeing her private parts. This ruling actually has a very practical outcome for many Ashkenazi women who recite a bracha on the mikva when standing naked in the water (cf. Shulchan Aruch YD 200 with Shach and Taz).

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