Wednesday, January 9, 2019

physical chemistry - Enthalpy in adiabatic process

A gas adiabatically expanded from $\pu{32atm}$ and $\pu{273K}$ to $\pu{1atm}$ and $\pu{251K}$, Calculate Joule-Thomson coefficient $\mu$ at $\pu{273K}$.


$$\mu = {\Delta T \over \Delta p} = {-22 \over -31} = 0.7$$

I think the answer uses the definition of $\mu$ that is $\displaystyle\left({\partial T \over \partial p}\right)_H$, but this definition assumes the process to have constant enthalpy.

But in adiabatic process $dH = dU + Vdp + w_{ad}$, so for $dH = 0$ we need to have $dU + Vdp + w_{ad} = 0$ which is not possible since pressure is clearly changing and so $Vdp$ is not zero.

My questions are

  1. Is $dH = 0$ for a adiabatic and I am missing something ?

  2. If not then how did the author used $\displaystyle\left({\partial T \over \partial p}\right)_H$ to get the answer ?


The Joule-Thomson experiments occurs with no change in enthalpy.

Suppose that at the left of a porous plug there is a pressure $p_1$ and temperature $T_1$ and $p_2,T_2$ to the right of the plug, as $p_1>p_2$ the gas moves left to right. The experimental configuration must ensure that pressures remain constant and that the experiment is performed under adiabatic conditions when $q=0$.

If a volume $V_1$ of gas moves from the left to right the work done/mole is $W=p_1V_1-p_2V_2$. This is the difference between the work of compression on the left of the plug and work recovered on expansion on the right. If the gas were ideal then $w=0$, but real gases are not. The gas expansion is also adiabatic so that no heat leaves or enters then $q=0$ and the change in internal energy $\Delta U$ is equal to the net work $$\Delta U =U_2-U_1 = p_1V_1-p_2V_2$$ therefore $$U_2+p_2V_2=U_1 + p_1V_1$$ As $H=U+pV$, then $$\Delta H = H_2-H_1=U_2 +p_2V_2-U_1 -p_2V_2 =0$$

The Joule-Thompson coefficient $\mu$ is defined, as you write, $\left ( \partial T/\partial P \right)_H$ and this measures how much the intermolecular interactions make the gas differ from an perfect gas. Most gases cool when passing from high to low pressures at room temperature.


The coefficient can be rewritten in other forms using $$ \left ( \frac{\partial T}{\partial p} \right)_H \left ( \frac{\partial H}{\partial T} \right)_p \left ( \frac{\partial p}{\partial H} \right)_T =-1$$ then $$ \mu C_p= -\left (\frac{\partial H}{\partial p} \right)_T $$

as $$ \frac{dH}{dP} = C_p\frac{dT}{dp} +V-T\left (\frac{\partial V}{\partial T} \right)_p$$ then if $\alpha=(1/V)(\partial V/\partial T)_p$ is the coefficient of expansion then at constant T, $(\partial H/\partial p)_T= V(1-\alpha T)$ which means that the Joule-Thompson coefficient can be written as $\mu=(V/C_p)(\alpha T-1)$ (This last equation has been used as a way of measuring absolute temperature because $V,\mu$ and $ \alpha $ are all measurable quantities.

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