Tuesday, January 29, 2019

tefilla - Silent Amidah when praying without a minyan

If one is davening b'yichidut (praying by oneself), without a minyan, do they need to say the amidah silently or can they say it out loud?

Phrased another way, what is the reason for praying the amidah silently when praying with a minyan? Is it so as not to disturb other people who are also praying, or is there another reason that would no longer apply when one is not praying with a minyan?


OC 101 (2) and MB s.k.5 and especially 6. MB: One reason not to raise the voice is not to disturb others. Other reasons are to be like the prayer of Channa; to avoid being one of those of little faith who do not believe that HaShem hears prayers uttered quietly and to avoid being like the false prophets who cry out loud to false gods. But the important thing is not to disturb others.

OC: If necessary to concentrate on the prayer and one is alone, it is permitted to raise one’s voice.

Rema: If one davens aloud to instruct one’s household, this is permitted.

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