Monday, January 28, 2019

kashrut kosher - Does bagged lettuce need a hechsher?

Does one need a hechsher on commercially available bagged lettuce? Or is the standard washing process used by the producers sufficient to remove all insects of halachic significance?

Anecdotally, I've noticed that a few Chabad Houses I am familiar with use bagged lettuce without a hechsher and do not check it themselves. When asked, they told me that their custom was not to be "machmir" about the issue of bugs. I assume that means they rely on the view of the Aruch HaShulchan YD 100:13 who provides a limmud zechus for "all the masses of Jews who are not careful (to check) and eat anything that comes into their hands as long as they don't see any obvious infestation, and Heaven forfend to say that all the Jews are stumbling in a great sin like this"

Are there sources for the leniency to rely specifically on commercial washing without a sampling-based hechsher? Or is the Aruch haShulchan really the primary basis for leniency? Are there contemporary poskim who are lenient?

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