Monday, October 2, 2017

sources mekorot - Halachot of IVF

Does anyone know of any good teshuvas or sefers giving an overview of the halacha of in-vitro fertilization IVF? (Feel free to also give overviews in your answers, but I'd appreciate links to the relevant opinions)

I'm looking for a sefer that would preferably address the circumstances under which one might use IVF, rules for IVF and passing parentage in halacha in cases of egg donation, rules of IVF surrogacy, permissibility of masturbation for purposes of IVF, and many other intricate halachic questions


Nishmat Avraham by Rabbi Dr Avraham Avraham is a classic and is available in Hebrew and English (Artscroll).

He discusses IVF quite a few times. In Vol 3, p15 he begins by quoting R' Waldenberg (Tzitz Eliezer 15:45) who doesn't approve, and then quotes R' Nebenzahl (Asya 34), R' Ovadia Yosef (Yabia Omer 8 EH 21) and R' Eliashiv who all permit AIH.

Nishmas Avraham in Hebrew, older print

It is also worthwhile reading Fred Rosner's 'Modern Medicine and Jewish Ethics' p114-124 where he discusses this topic in much detail and discusses other ramifications including parenthood.

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