Saturday, October 21, 2017

definitions - Meaning of 〜あれだ

Recently I encountered this phrase:


What is あれ in this context? Is the speaking making a positive or negative statement about ___?


I have also ran into this phrase and now I kind of understand its meaning though, getting used to applying it to the correct scenario is very tricky indeed. I still can't.

The instance of this phrase that I remember, is from when we were waiting for somebody to finish something:


To which ◯◯さん answered:


Which I guess could be translated into something along the lines of:

Hey, saying that you all are waiting for me, (...vagueness...) you know.

Where the vagueness could imply something like: "you're putting pressure on me", "is kind of, you know?".

EDIT: Added some hints of what the vagueness could mean. Thanks @deceze :)

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