Monday, October 30, 2017

expressions - Meaning of ハートしている

In a boxing match, a trainer is telling a boxer to stay away from the opponent and wait the end of the round to recover, but he doesn't listen to him. Then the trainer says this sentence:


What is the meaning of this expression? Does ハート mean heart here, or is it the abbreviation of something else? Here is the page it is taken from. Thank you for your help!


する can often be translated into English as "to have". See: Meaning of 顔をする? and Use of する to describe one's colour

  • 長い髪をした人

  • 丸い形をしたコップ

  • 複雑な構造をしたプログラム

  • 緑色をした服

  • 彼は戸惑った顔をしている。

So どんなハートしてんだよ is "What kind of heart do you have?" i.e., your behavior/mentality is unbelievable.

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