Monday, February 3, 2020

translation - "お調べいただいた上、" vs. "お調べいただき、..."

What is the difference in meaning between:

(1) お調べいただいた上{うえ}、注文通りの品をお送り下さいますよう、お願いします。
(2) お調べいただき、注文通りの品を送り下さいますよう、お願いします。

I understand #2.

(2) Upon your looking into the matter, please send me the stuff I ordered.

I can't figure-out how to voice "いただいた上、" in English in my head. I want a strict translation, not a paraphrase. Nothing is clicking for me, but this is my best try:

(1) Please look into the matter, and then based on what (I expect) you to find, send me the stuff I ordered.

Also, I am seriously hoping that "" was dropped off the end of "いただいた上、".


X as a prerequisite for Y:

X is what must be done before Y.

X いただいた上、Y してください。

After (and only after) doing X, do Y.

X and or then Y:

The order of completing X and Y is not strictly emphasized.

X いただき、Y してください。

Do X, and do Y.

See how (1) is asking a little more explicitly that you actually read the document before signing:

  1. お読みいただいた上、こちらにご署名{しょめい}ください。

After reading (the document), sign your name here.

  1. お読みいただき、こちらにご署名{しょめい}ください。

Read (the document), and sign your name here.

It would be weird to say (1) when the order doesn't matter:

  1. フォークはこちらに置{お}いていただいた上、スプーンはこちらに置{お}いてください。

After putting the forks here, put the spoons here.

  1. フォークはこちらに置{お}いていただき、スプーンはこちらに置{お}いてください。

Put the forks here, and put the spoons here.

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