Wednesday, February 5, 2020

passover - Ashkenazim and Kitniyot on Erev Pesach

The following hypothetical case was raised in class today:

An American (ashkenazic) Jew is visiting Israel. On Erev Pesach, he has a hankering for sushi (the word hankering was not used in class -- this is my emendation). So he goes to a Sephardic, K for P restaurant. Can he order and eat sushi with rice?

This developed from a broader question -- can a Jew eat someone else's chameitz on erev pesach (so there is no issue of owning it) even if it means accepting any punishment for theft?


According to Chok Yaakov, cited by Shevet Halevi (OC 31), the custom to refrain from eating kitniyot begins on Erev Pesach, just the same as the prohibition of eating chametz.

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