Saturday, February 1, 2020

halacha - Where is it taught that you can't sleep with socks

I remember hearing that you can't sleep with socks. I think Rambam stated this (correct me if i am wrong), but where in Rambam was it said and why do we do it?


As a supplement to Matt's answer; see Mishna Berura 2:1, who writes that

מיושב: דאז בהכרח יתגלה גופו והאדם צריך להתנהג בצניעות ובושה לפני הקב"ה ואפילו כשהוא לילה ובחדרי חדרים הלא מלא כל הארץ כבודו וכחשיכה וכאורה לפניו יתברך....ע"כ האנפלאות יראה ללבשם או לפשטם ג"כ תחת הסדין שלא לגלות רגליו שדרכן להיות מכוסות לעולם במדינות אלו שאין הולכין יחף אפילו בקיץ....‏

That way, a person would reveal his flesh, and a person needs to act modestly wherever he is, even in private, because Hashem is everywhere. Even at night, and in a closed room; for "the world is filled with His glory," (Yeshayahu 6:3) and dark and light are the same to Him....therefore, it would appear that one should put on and take off one's sock under his covers, so that his feet should not be uncovered, for it is the norm in our places to always walk around with our feet covered, even in the summer we never walk barefoot....

( my own translation )

In context, it's clear that the issue with this is because of tzniyus, modest dressing.

[h/t Danno in comments]

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