Sunday, February 2, 2020

Havdalah if you have to eat or drink on Tisha B'Av that comes out on Sunday

If a person for whatever reason has to eat and drink on Tisha B'Av that comes out on Sunday, and they know this ahead of time, when should they make havdallah on a cos? Should they make Motzei Shabbos like normally (however omit the other parts of havdallah that are omitted when someone would normally make havdallah on Sunday night after Tisha B'Av.) Should they make havdallah (on cos) only right before they will eat or drink. Or Should they wait and make havdallah (on a cos) Sunday night like everyone else?


The Shaarei Teshuva (OC 556) quotes those who require the ill person to recite Havadala "right away after Shabbat", though as Rav Ovadia Yosef (Yechavveh Daat 3:40) explains while citing many sources, this means as soon as they need to eat NOT right away on Saturday night if they can last until later in the day. This is indeed how Rav Yosef rules.

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