Saturday, January 5, 2019

parshanut torah comment - Why is the survival of the sons of Korach not mentioned in Parshat Korach?

In Parshat Korach we read about the deaths of Korach and Datan and Aviram, and that the families of Datan and Aviram descended with them as the earth swallowed them up.

In Parshat Pinchas, when it is going through the census of the tribes, when it comes to the lineage of Reuven, it mentions Datan and Aviram and at that point it mentions that the sons of Korach did not die.

Why is that fact mentioned here? It seems out of place. Why not in Parshat Korach? And if it has to be in Pinchas at all then why not in a section about the lineage of Levi under Itzhar's descendents (thus showing he has surviving descendents from Korach too).

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