Monday, October 2, 2017

halacha - Why don't we have to work every non-Shabbos day?

We are told multiple times in the Torah

ששת ימים תעבוד

Six days you should work.

But many people do not actually work 6 days a week. For example, in the United States, Sunday is considered a weekend day, and many people do not attend work on that day. Indeed, many retired people hardly ever do any of these kinds of work. Are all of the people who do not attend work on Sunday, or at all, in error?!

Or perhaps this refers to all kinds of work like housework, homework, etc. Are people who don't do those things (or whatever is meant by taavod) every day in violation of the mitzvah?

I am leaving the topic of melacha aside for now because I would assume that if the verse were talking about it, it would use that word specifically. I am aware that it also says:

ששת ימים תעשה מלאכה

but I am assuming that is discussing a separate requirement. Is that an incorrect assumption?

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