Saturday, September 9, 2017

organic chemistry - Why are tertiary carbocations the most reactive, if they're already stable?

This may seem silly, but doesn't it seem weird for a compound that's stable (in this context, the tertiary carbocation) to be the most reactive?

I mean, wouldn't it be the least, given that it's already stable and wouldn't want to leave that stable configuration. On the same lines, the methyl carbocation sounds like the most reactive due to its high instability, right? wouldn't it want to react in order to form a stable compound?


This is an excellent question. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is what you are grasping at:

First, it is true that tertiary carbocations are generally more stable than primary carbocations (and secondary carbocations) due to having more inductively donating alkyl groups. The hyperconjugative effect can also be invoked to explain the relative stabilities of primary, secondary, and tertiary carbocations.

Second, transition states involving tertiary carbocations as opposed to primary carbocations are more favorable precisely because tertiary carbocations are more stable than primary carbocations.

Note that this does not mean that tertiary carbocations are more reactive. We don't generally say that something which exists in a transition state is reactive/unreactive. One reason is that the transition state complex cannot be directly captured or observed. Another reason is that it is the transition state ... of course it's going to be reactive - of course it'll change very rapidly!

We may however say that reactants and products are either reactive or unreactive. So if something goes through a transition state involving a tertiary carbocation, it might well be more reactive than something which goes through a transition state involving a primary carbocation.

Of course, before labeling anything as reactive or unreactive, you'd do well to note exactly what you mean by reactivity. To put it lightly, there are myriad reactions. An alkyne such as acetylene is reactive with regard to combustion; acetylene torches are commonplace. However, acetylene isn't going to be reactive with regard to, say, backside attack (for a variety of reasons).

Ultimately I think your issue lies with semantics rather than the chemistry ... still, a good question!

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