Friday, September 29, 2017

audio - Wav To Spectrogram, Back To Wav

Currently, I'm writing a Python script, which should do the following:

  • read an audio file respectively a wav file via

  • calculate the spectrogram of given wav file.

  • write the data from spectrogram back into a wav file.

Here's a bit of Code:

# Define FFT params:-------------------------------------------------------
windowSize = 512

shiftSize = 160
nFFT = 1024
window_py = signal.hamming(windowSize)
nOverlap_py = windowSize-shiftSize

# Load wav file into memory:------------------------------------------------
fs_rate,s_orig ='demo.wav')

# Type Casting:-------------------------------------------------------------
s_orig_py = np.asarray(s_orig,dtype=np.float64)

# Spectrogram:--------------------------------------------------------------

P_py = np.angle(Spy) # Phase extraction:
X = np.absolute(Spy) # Needed for neural network!
X1 = X*np.cos(P_py)+1j*X*np.sin(P_py) # "orig." spectrum. Needed for resyn

# Resynthesize to wav:------------------------------------------------------
X1 = np.append(X1,np.conjugate(X1[-1:1:-1,:]),axis=0)
x_opt_py = synthSpectrogram(X1,shiftSize,nFFT,window_py,nOverlap_py)

But there's is a huge problem: The data in "Spy" is not useable. When I try to write the data back in a wav file, the result is noisy respectively there's nothing at all. Furthermore, I have a Matlab file, which does the same as the code above and it works just fine and in both cases the parameters are the same.

The values in of S in Python and Matlab are not even close and I don't understand why. I get that they can't be identical due the fact that both functions use a different algorithm to compute the FFT but as I mentioned before they are not even close.

Matlab-Values enter image description here

Python-Values enter image description here

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