Thursday, September 28, 2017

minhag - Must EMTs and others rend Kriyah each time they see a patient die?

I was looking at Yoreh De'ah 340:5 (יו"ד סימן ש"מ ס"ק ה) and Moed Katan 25b (כה עמוד ב), which require Kriyah (garment-rending) for all who are there at the time of death. It would seem to me that an EMT, EMS member, doctor, nurse, or any other emergency first responder who is there at the time of death must rip Kriyah for all the places they respond to when a death of a Jewish patient occurs. Also a doctor who regularly see patients die must tear Kriyah every time, as he can lose many patients in a single day (oncology, cardiology). What is the approach with ripping Kriyah in these cases?

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