Saturday, September 30, 2017

rabbis - Smicha from R' Zalman Nechemia Goldberg?

One often sees that individuals' have smicha from R' Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. The smicha exams are typically considered more theoretical than that of the Israeli rabbinate, which requires more memorization. Nonetheless, it would appear from this discussion that individuals from the States can take and pass his exam on issur v'heter by paper exam alone.

Is this the case? Is a formal learning program (e.g., in yeshiva) required for this smicha? Also, does that discussion list his correct exam? It's the only such source I could find online of the exam... it appears from this prep book advertisement that R' Goldberg also gives smicha for Niddah as well as Issur v'Heter? How about Shabbat? Are there available exams for these?

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