Monday, November 26, 2018

tisha bav - Disparate Zemanim in the same local community

Someone pointed out on a local email list that the ending time for Tish'ah BeAv is listed differently - significantly so - at various institutions in our local community. He noted the following times published:

Large Orthodox A and Large Orthodox B 9:20

Chabad 9:08

Sephardic 8:55

According to the Orthodox Union, none of the above times is even close (within a minute or two) of the Zemanim I would expect:

Tzeis 42 Minutes 9:14 P Tzeis 72 Minutes 9:44 P

The closest is Chabad, which is posting a time 6 minutes earlier than the earliest time listed at the OU. Furthermore, the differences in times seem to only occur on fast days; this year's 9 Av schedule appears, to me, to have the most widely divergent times published here.

What accounts for this disparity? What formula(e) might these organizations be using that they disagree so markedly?

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