Friday, November 30, 2018

parshanut torah comment - Why is the heart labeled the seat of emotion?

Throughout Tanach, the heart is used as the seat of emotion. For instance:

  • The heart understands (Melachim Aleph 3:9)

  • Thought comes from the heart (this seems to be the straightforward understanding of verses like Koheles 1:16 that discuss speaking with the heart)

  • The heart can view things prophetically (see Melachim Beis 5:26 and commentaries there)

  • The heart falls (Shmuel Aleph 17:32)

  • The heart gives endurance during times of crisis (Yechezkel 22:14)

  • The heart rejoices (Tehillim 16:9)

  • The heart cries (Eichah 2:18)

  • The heart is comforted (Yeshaya 40:1-2)

  • The heart is pained (Devarim 15:10)

This is an excerpt of Koheles Rabbah 1:38 (Warsaw numbering; 1:16 in Vilna numbering), which lists 58 such emotions and traits that come from the heart.

Scientifically, emotions and thoughts come from the brain. Rav Chaim Miller says that emotions come from the Ruach-level of the Neshamah. But either way, it doesn’t come from the heart. So where do all of these descriptions come from?

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