Friday, November 30, 2018

kanji - Has anyone come across the word 畸端?

I've started reading my first Japanese book and the word 畸端検査官 keeps popping up. I know 検査官 means inspector, but I can't find a reference anywhere to 畸端.

Can anyone help?


I googled 畸端 and found that this question comes at the top :D Aside from this question, the word is used almost exclusively in グウィノール年代記. Is this what you're reading? 畸端 is clearly a made-up word. In the middle of the sample here, it explains its (supposed) definition in the story:


畸 means "out-of-the-way" or "disabled", and 端 means "borderline" or "edge", so its basic intended meaning should be "abnormality", "deformation", "corruption", or something along these lines. But you may come up with a better translation if you keep reading, since they seem to have some secret roles. It's probably pronounced as きたん. 異端 (いたん, "heresy") is a much more common word that resembles this.

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