Monday, September 11, 2017

halacha - Is there a halachic problem with saying "Christ" as a name?

Since (according to the Gra (YD 157:3), cited in this answer), there is no issue in saying the name "Jesus," would there be an issue in saying the name "Christ"?

This name might be more problematic than "Jesus," because the word "Christ" means annointed, and apparently wasn't his given name, and also is a name that deifies him.

What does halacha have to say about saying the name "Christ"?


It would seem to be that there is no issue saying Christ

1) Like you pointed out all christ means is anointed. and being that it has a definition, we don't care if the connotation was changed throughout the generations, as per the sources the Gr"a brings (Mordechai, Hagahos Maamonis, Yereiym etc.)

2) It's not a name, the Torah explicitly forbids saying the name of the avoda zarah , not appellations. This is clearly stated in the sources qouted above.

However, Rav Yitzchak Berkowitz in a recent Shiur (I unfortunately do not have a recording) prohibited the use of the word Christ

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