Saturday, September 2, 2017

avodah zarah - Is the cat figurine thing a problem at kosher Chinese restaurants?

It seems like all kosher Chinese restaurants have this cat-statue thingy in the front:

Maneki Neko

Is there any Halachic problem with that? I assume not, if they're all kosher-certified; but why not?


I don't think I've ever seen it, but a quick Wikipedia search on Maneki Neko (the title of your image!) reveals that it is some kind of good luck charm. It would definitely seem forbidden for a Jew to use it for that purpose, but I assume most have it there only for the "ambiance" (which might still be problematic, I don't know).

In any event, the kosher certification probably does not cover such issues; it would probably be out of any mashgiach's radar (until he visits mi.yodeya, that is).

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