Sunday, August 27, 2017

minhag - What are the major regions relevant to Ashkenazi minhagim?

Motivating this question are the instructions in the ArtScroll Siddur for the two versions of kel erekh apayim, said on weekdays before taking out the sefer torah: one is identified as “נוסח אשכנז, פיהם, ופולין קטן”, the other as “נוסח פולין גדל וליטא”. Similarly, selichos are listed as “מנהג פולין” or “מנהג ליטא”.

My question is in two parts:

  • What do “פיהם”‎, “פולין גדל”‎, “פולין קטן”‎, “ליטא”‎, etc. specifically refer to? and (more importantly)

  • When classifying Ashkenazi minhagim, which regions of Europe are significant?

(By “significant” I might [for example] include Frankfurt am Main [ק״ק פפד״מ] since its minhagim were historically important and distinct from elsewhere in the Germanies, but the simple fact that the one-horse town of Magyaslozckin had some unique minhagim of its own would not rate it a mention.)

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